Mini ARC Review: The Thorns Remain

The Thorns Remain

⭐⭐⭐ 3 out of 5 stars

Title: The Thorns Remain

Author: JJA Harwood

Publisher: Harper Collins

Format: ARC, ebook

Publication:    16th of February 2023

In the Scottish highlands, Moira Jean and her friends prepare to leave the little village of their childhood behind and go their separate ways. Before that happens, they head to the forest for a last night of laughing and singing. While they dance, mysterious figures appear between them. The next day, Moira Jean realises that her friends are gone, kidnapped by the Fae and forgotten by their families. She is the only one who can bring them back… 

The Thorns Remain is a decent fantasy novel, but unfortunately, it did not grab my attention. I found it mediocre, and the constant usage of the main character’s double name was irritating. The only interesting and original feature was the portrayal of the Fae as dangerous and repulsive.

Thank you, NetGalley and publisher, for providing the arc of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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