A Hunger of Thorns

A Hunger of Thorns⭐⭐⭐.5 3.5 out of 5 stars In a world where magic is commercialised and reduced to glamour patches and drinks found in every supermarket, Maude is a daughter of witches, in a more traditional sense of the word. Raised by her protective grandmother, she reminiscences her wild mother, taken for her resistanceContinue reading “A Hunger of Thorns”

ARC Review: Starling House

Starling House ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 out of 5 stars Title:               Starling House Author:           Alix E. Harrow Publisher:        Tor Format:           ARC, ebook Publication:     31st of October 2023 In Eden, a dying little town in Kentucky, Opal struggles to keep herself and her younger brother afloat. Living permanently in a cheap motel room and working dead-end jobs, sheContinue reading “ARC Review: Starling House”

The Luminaries

The Luminaries ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 out of 5 stars Hemlock Falls is not your ordinary small town. Every night, when the fog rises, monsters and nightmares appear in the forest around the city. Every night, one of the clans of the ancient order of the Luminaries fights to protect the town and the rest of humanityContinue reading “The Luminaries”

The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida

The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 out of 5 stars In 1990 Colombo, Maali Almeida finds himself stuck between life and the afterlife. He is given seven moons, the equivalent of night and day, to complete the bureaucracy and medical checks necessary for moving on. While exploring the endless series of offices andContinue reading “The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida”

Non-fiction: American Mother

American Mother ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 out of 5 stars Title:               American Mother Author:           Gregg Olsen Publisher:        Bookouture Format:           ARC, audiobook Publication:     8th of November 2022 In June 1986, the emergency call from Stella Nickel, claiming that her husband Bruce was having a seizure, shook the small town of Auburn in Washington State. A week later, fifteen-year-oldContinue reading “Non-fiction: American Mother”


BABEL Babel, or Necessity of Violence: an Arcane History of the Oxford Translator’s Revolution ❤❤❤❤❤ 5 out of 5 Title:               BABEL Author:           R. F. Kuang Publisher:        Harper Collins Format:           ARC, audiobook, hardcover Publication:     1th of September 2022 ‘Traduttore, traditore: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal.’ Babel or Royal Institute of TranslationContinue reading “Babel”

ARC Review: Belladonna

Belladonna ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 out of 5 stars Title:                Belladonna Author:           Adalyn Grade Publisher:        Hodder & Stoughton Format:           ARC audiobook Publication: 30th August 2022 Signa, orphaned as a child, has grown up handed over from one guardian to the next. The wealth and the high social position she is supposed to inherit upon maturity make herContinue reading “ARC Review: Belladonna”

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 out of 5 stars Title:              The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches Author:           Sangu Mandanna Publisher:        Hodder & Stoughton Format:           ARC audiobook Publication: 23th August 2022 In a world where all the witches lead solitary lives, Mika Moon longs for company. She never understood the rules thatContinue reading “The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches”

Reviving the classics: Cranford

Cranford ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 out of 5 stars Cranford is an unusual book. It is a novel but reads more like a collection of short stories. The narrator is Mary, a young woman who visits Cranford— a small town where the society consists of a set of older ladies, widows and spinsters. Throughout the years, she keepsContinue reading “Reviving the classics: Cranford”

Non-fiction: A Silenced Voice

A Silenced Voice: The Life of Journalist Kim Wall ⭐⭐⭐.5 3.5 out of 5 stars  A Silenced Voice is a true story of a Swedish journalist Kim Wall, who was reported missing while interviewing an entrepreneur and an inventor Peter Madsen on board his submarine. Soon, a mutilated body of a young woman was found inContinue reading “Non-fiction: A Silenced Voice”

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